Essex ACES Paintball Team

Team Mantra: Attitude, Commitment, Effort = Success
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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 11:49 am 

Joined: Fri May 10, 2013 11:11 pm
Posts: 792
Welcome, and thanks for your interest in joining the Essex ACES Paintball Team.

An essential element for any team sport is developing the number of players within the team. Therefore we are always keen for New Recruits to join our Team!

Below are some of the common questions that are asked by new recruits:
    1. Do I need any experience to join?
    No, we welcome anyone to join the Team. Many of our current roster started by playing at their local paintball field. We are looking for people from any background, with any level of skill or experience.

    2. Do I need any equipment to play?
    Training will require certain kit, but not necessarily paintball specific items. The minimum a paintball mask, spare pair of trainers/football boots, spare pair of socks and some clothing that you don't mind getting dirty. If you have equipment then bring it all along, there are no restrictions on what you use in training sessions

    3. So do you guys dress up and "play army"?
    There are two distinct types of paintball. Woodsball or recball, is what everyone readily associates with paintball. Paintball is commonly used as an element of many stag-dos! Then there is tournament paintball, competitive paintball or sup'air. The Essex ACES are a tournament orientated team. Once you've played tournament paintball, going back to playing in the woods seems an anti-climax. Imagine a 30 minute woods game compressed into no more than 6 minutes. No sneaking around looking for the opposition. From the word go, you are running and shooting as fast as possible. It can be quite intense, with a higher paint volume being shot by both teams!

    4. Can you tell me more about tournament paintball?
    The playing field is approx 50m x 35m field with inflatable obstacles separating the 2 teams. At the "game-on" signal both teams raise their markers (paintball guns) and begin shooting as they run for their obstacle. Some markers, in skilled hands, can shoot 10.5 balls a second. Most games will only last a few minutes before one side claims victory. The traveling speed of the balls is legally limited for safety reasons and every player's marker is checked when entering the field to ensure adherence to these restrictions (chrono'd). All the players must wear full protective facemasks (at a minimum) and most wear knee, elbow pads and gloves for added protection.

    5. Can you tell me more about the team?
    Our Team is diverse, with a range of nationalities that represents Essex. There is varying skills and abilities, all of us work hard at being the best that we can be. We train hard, play hard and play by the rules.

    6. What will the team expect from me?
    Essex ACES were formed to encapsulating the acronym - ACES (Attitude, Commitment, Effort = Success), therefore we look for Team Members who are willing to demonstrate those attributes

    7. Will this be expensive to play?
    Given our level of personal commitment to training and playing in tournaments, this is not a "cheap" activity. Initial setup costs are relatively low, training starts you on the road to your tournament education. As with most sports, the greater the involvement, it is likely that you'll look to purchase equipment. However, tournament paintball is often cheaper than regularly playing paintball at your local field, using their equipment and paying their prices!

    8. What equipment do you use, is it expensive?
    All of the team own paintball markers, hoppers, air systems, barrels and playing gear. The cost of equipment varies considerably, but new players don't have to purchase expensive items to play.

    9. Can you advise on what equipment to buy?
    Like any sport, you can purchase multiple items; some of these are worthwhile, others are not. One benefit of being in a Team is that you can benefit from the experiences of others to guide your expenditure effectively.

    10. So, when do you guys train?
    Given all players have to work to play, training takes place on weekends. A training day has a relatively early start, so you are at the field with your kit, and ready to maximise the training day.

    11. Do you training at every weekend?
    Generally training every weekend is too costly for most players. Plus paintball tournaments are held over a weekend, limiting every weekend, so the team will have a training calendar to ensure maximum participation.

    12. Can I come to a training session?
    Yes, we'd welcome anyone coming down to either take a look. However please ensure that you advise the Team by posting in the Guest or Training Area (depending on your access).

    13. How much is each training session for a New Recruit?
    New Recruits pay £50 which includes training site green fee and paint cost used in that training session. Being a Team Member, you will pay a monthly team membership (£20) and pay a fixed price for each training session.

    14. How much is each training session for a team member?
    We are looking to make it as cheap as possible, and charge £30 as a fixed price. Members must contribute a monthly fee towards team costs, will benefit from the great support from our sponsors (exclusive equipment discounts and competitive priced paint which significantly reduces participation costs).

    15. Do I need to be fit to play?
    Though not seen as a mainstream sport, the same fitness levels will benefit you. Playing tournament paintball is an athletic sport, so being in good shape helps. Certain training drills will help develop the conditioning needed to play better. One key benefit of becoming fitter, is that you can then concentrate on hitting your opponent, and not that you cannot keep up with the pace of the game!

    16. Have all your players started as recruits as well?
    Rather than poach players from other teams we prefer to recruit at the grass roots level and train them up. We aim to teach players what they need to know from the start. We have several recruits in the pipeline right now so you should be able to jump right in.

    17. How long does it take to join the team?
    We require participation in at least 3 monthly training sessions, where you'll be considered for full membership. Any application is then reviewed, and if you've demonstrated the right approach, you'll become a Team Member.

    In summary, you'll be playing paintball with a group of like minded people and having a great time doing it! Tournament paintball is a fun, demanding, challenging, yet rewarding activity.

    18. Paintball tournaments...? Can you explain further?
    These are some of the tournament series that are currently running:

    UK Masters South
    UK Masters Midlands
    Millennium Series

    These were held both domestically and within Europe. There are various formats, but all are based on small rectangular field approx 50m x 35m, with a selection of inflatable objects (bunkers). These are positioned on the field to provide cover from the opposition, with the goal of capturing a flag at the centre or oppositions end. Most games are won by eliminating all opposing players, then hanging the flag. Though this is not always the case!

    19. Will I be able to play in a tournament?
    We look to have our players competing for playing spots. As with all skill based sports, the more committed players will play more than those that aren't. Demonstrate the commitment and ability required and you'll be able to play.

Hopefully, most of your questions have now been answered. If not then you're very welcome to contact me using the PM facility on our site, or alternatively by sending an email using the email feature via the Team Forum

Many thanks for taking the time to read this

I look forward to meeting you during one of our training sessions

Alex D
Essex ACES

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